MEDLINE Publications

Number of records: 19,039,860
Years covered: 1865-2010


PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, includes over 19 million citations for biomedical articles back to the 1860's. These citations are from MEDLINE and additional life science journals. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.


The MEDLINE baseline database was acquired via a License of NLM® Data. A baseline MEDLINE/PubMed database is available each December, after NLM has maintained the MEDLINE records to reflect the new year's Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) vocabulary. In addition, other end-of-year changes as deemed necessary are made to candidate records previously distributed to licensees. Licensees should discard all previously received records and use the new baseline files as a complete reload to ensure access to the most current and accurate version of each record as the new NLM data production year begins. The overview of annual baseline distribution of MEDLINE/PubMed data can be found here. To lease, complete and return the applicable License Agreement and the Intended Use Worksheet

Data Fields

The SDB MEDLINE data dictionary is here.


The SDB MEDLINE data was incrementally updated through Aug 2010 using the 2010 MEDLINE baseline dump. The number of records found might differ from searching the online PubMed site, since PubMed is updated weekly and about 2%-5% of the MEDLINE data are not released ?publicly due to restrictions posed by the original data providers. See schedule of SDB releases for upcoming data updates.


This data set description was compiled by Nianli Ma and Katy Börner.




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